Coaching from 20 years of Success
(and failure)
J. Michael Hall M.Ed. has worked with over 220,000 fathers and families in more than 40 states and a few other countries.
He has trained hundreds of schools and Head Start programs and thousands of professionals to work more effectively with fathers/families for all economic and ethnic backgrounds
What could YOU do in your programs if you had all of that experience at your disposal?
Coaching packages
Sometimes it is a limit on time. Sometimes it is a limit on budget. Most of the times it is BOTH! We have built three coaching programs for you to get the MOST out of your energy, effort, and economics. One of these packages will fit your budget and your time constraints to help you reach more fathers and families to enhance the education of all of the children in your organization.
These three packages will start this summer (June 2019) and will continue until the end of the calendar year. If we continue, present clients will have first shot at coaching and be able to contract at a discount in future programs.
100 Things to Do With Your Kids This Summer-ebook to share with your families as a file and on social media
A copy of the Ebook Strong Fathers as Strong Teachers with cited research.
Membership in our Workplace Group for Summer Coaching
SIX weekly group webinars (approximately 90 minutes each)
Weekly Coaching Podcasts (posted to Workplace and emailed)
Event Planning and Program Objectives Templates and Checklists that work for any engagement event
Monthly Check In and Early Childhood Activity Calendars for 2019-2020 to share with families (September to May)
Individual annual membership to the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement
Weekly Emails on Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for meeting management and promotion
Weekly one on one phone calls to develop goals, objectives, and a calendar for family engagement for your organization in 2019-2020
Strong Fathers-Strong Families, LLC will provide tons of expertise, personal coaching, networking with great professionals, additional professional resources and suggestions for additional growth, and one on one attention to help you develop at the level that is appropriate for your responsibilities.
Regardless of level of commitment you can use this time to gain professional knowledge, best practices, and even a larger network of like minded professionals without having to leave home or waste money on conference registrations or travel.
We are ready to get serious over the next few weeks to prepare and plan for a great 2019-2020 school year.
Coaching begins the week of June 24th. All phone calls and webinars will be recorded for you go proceed at your own pace or to allow for an actual break during the summer. Resources will be archived for use throughout the Fall.
You are responsible for family engagement with MANY other duties
100 Things to Do With Your Kids
Strong Fathers as Strong Teachers
Membership in our Workplace Group
SIX weekly group webinars (listen only)
Weekly Coaching Podcasts
Your MAIN responsibility is family engagement in a small district or on one campus
100 Things to Do With Your Kids
Strong Fathers as Strong Teachers
Membership in our Workplace Group
SIX weekly group webinars
Weekly Coaching Podcasts
Planning Templates and Checklists
Check In and EC Activity Calendars
You are responsible for a team who is trying to engage more families in their programs or on their campuses.
100 Things to Do With Your Kids
Strong Fathers as Strong Teachers
Membership in our Workplace Group
SIX weekly group webinars
Weekly Coaching Podcasts
Planning Templates and Checklists
Check In and EC Activity Calendars
Individual annual membership to the National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement
Weekly Emails on Tips and Tricks
SIX Weekly one on one phone calls to develop goals, objectives, and a calendar for family engagement for your organization in 2019-2020
NAFSCE Members get a 20% discount on our summer coaching progamming.
You will be asked during the intake and invoicing process.
If you want to coach up your entire Family Engagement TEAM
then let’s talk about how to best serve them within this program.
Click the button to set up a phone call to discuss team coaching and discounts.